BIMCO’s Q3 2023 Shipping Market Overview & Outlook is out

Tanker Shipping Market Overview & Outlook bimco

The Q3 2023 Shipping Market Overview & Outlook from BIMCO is out. Find the highlights below for each of the tanker, container, and dry bulk markets and read the full reports by Niels Rasmussen, BIMCO’s Chief Shipping Analyst, attached. Please note that we will not be hosting a webinar but should you have any questions or requests for an interview, feel free to contact myself (contact details below) or Niels directly on The highlights, reports and short videos offering an overview of each Q3 2023 section are available on

The headlines:

-Tanker: Record oil demand amplifies market strength
-Container: Record high influx of capacity burdens market
-Dry bulk: Market uncertainty due to slowdown in China